"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Our Homeschool Co-op Open house!

Every year our Church’s homeschool co-op wraps up the year with a few performances from some of the classes that the children participated in. This is so they can showcase all they learned from a few of the classes that they take. Some of the classes that the kids got to take this year were: preschool concepts, tumbling, Kung-Fu, ballet, Music, Art, sign language, Geography, etc….
It is a lot of fun, and it really rounds out our homeschooling experience! I am really thankful for it! It makes for a busy Thursday, though:-)!

0 thoughts on “Our Homeschool Co-op Open house!

  1. Looks like a lot of fun. They have some really great classes to choose from.I go to check out a support group this month. I am hoping to join in the fall as well.

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