"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Our horsey field trip!!

I teach a horsemanship class at our homeschool co-op, and to round off the school year we took a long anticipated field trip to a horse barn for trail riding and hands on horse care! We had a lot of fun and everyone stayed safe!!

Here’s the barn that we visited!

Isabella riding “Star” in the ring

Helaina riding her favorite color horse, her name was

Here they are learning the basics of horse care and
tacking up!

Isabella getting ready to ride “Clay” for the trail ride!
(He was a handful, but she handled him with grace and ease:-))

Some of the girls setting off for the trail ride!
Isabella doing her favorite horse grooming job:
cleaning horse hooves
The girls and I in our favorite place, the HORSE BARN!
(this is such a great group of girls, I adored teaching them)

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