Happy First day of JUNE!!!🌷🍃

So June has always been my favorite month as it’s the month of mulberries and honeysuckles!
So I thought I would take a social media break to be more present and to enjoy every drop of this sweet summer month! I am Not sure how long the break will be, But, before I sign off I wanted to share a family update/ and some prayer requests (sorry its kinda long!):

1) BIG NEWS! Hope’s Garden Song is available on Audible!!!! God did this!! ahhhhhh!!!!! Ya’ll this has been a HUGE work of my HEART and the audio is the SWEETEST and the narrator is amazing and truly captures each character so authentically. The audible version goes so beautifully with your hardback book and brings it to life in a new way! Also (BEST PART)… it’s so cheap!! Just under $3!!!! Please go get it now at this link —> https://www.amazon.com/Audible-Hopes-Garden-Song/dp/B0C41R5X2N/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1685056740&sr=8-1

I think you’ll love it! I would love to hear your feedback! (There’s a free sample button too! and PLEASE leave a review as that is a huge blessing)
2) Bigger news! Please pray with us because We have a paperback version in the works for our Ukrainian Translation! We chose paperback so it would be easy to transport in an airplane. We will be hosting a dear Ukrainian boy this summer and he will be able to take these back with him for his mom to share at the refugee shelter she works at! I am so excited about this mission of sharing Hope’s Garden Song across the world! All proceeds from the sales of my book go towards GIASHOPE.org and this mission specifically! All glory goes to God!

3) I am so excited that I have 16 reviews on Amazon! Thank you to all who have bought my book and left reviews! I am so grateful for your gracious words that bless my heart! My goal is to get 50 reviews! Once you get to 50, Amazon starts sharing your book and recommending it to others and we can get this book into more family’s hands!

I would be so blessed if you left a review! Thank you for all your prayers and support!
4) GIAS HOPE Farm Friends will be having it’s annual Storytime Summer Surprise classes for our little friends starting Tuesdays in June! It’s gonna be a sweet time of fun and discovery and JOY! Space is limited and you can sign up here to reserve a spot—>> https://giashope.org/farm-friends/classes

5) our Ethan has been back in Nica serving this past month and we would love prayer for God’s love and hope to be spread through his heart and for beautiful connections to the community! The kids adore Ethan so much and he makes friends wherever he goes! We are so proud of him for continually desiring to be a light for Jesus to the world!

6) our Helaina is finishing her last couple weeks of missions in South Africa and will be headed back to Kona soon for debrief! Please pray for His mercies in all the tender transitions and emotional adjustments and for travel safety and for God to keep showing His faithfulness in all the hard and holy ups and downs of this journey! We are so proud of her and miss her sooooooo much!

7) As I mentioned above, our awesome “Ukrainian son” (Alex) will be back this summer and we are so excited to host him and spend time with him! We have missed him so much! Please pray for traveling mercies for him (as he travels alone) and for God to bless our time together with him and for beautiful memories to be made.

8) Also, come to the farm! if your family would benefit from a couple hours of animal snuggles therapy, picking juicy mulberries or playing in the garden at GIAS HOPE Farm Friends please reach out to us at johanna@wildflowerhope.com

One of the ways we want to serve our community is by providing a special free family experience at our farm for some time of fellowship, connection and healing through God’s creation. We know our little farmette has been a blessing to us and we want to overflow that blessing to others! See more info here —–> https://giashope.org/farm-friends/family-experience

9) If you could please pray for us as we are finalizing the details for a family missions trip as we represent GIASHOPE.org in the world. It is our hope to serve in a location together and to bring God’s hope and love to a precious community and village. More details to come, God willing, if it all works out! We are praying for God to lead us as we seek His heart and plans for us.

10) Praising Jesus for healing of Eviemira’s legs since her big surgery! It’s been a couple of hard months of recovery from her April surgeries but we are back in the saddle (literally) of regular Physical therapy to regain core muscles that were lost and we are hoping and praying for a grant to start Official Horse therapy lessons! JunJun has such a special love of horses and we know that these special magnificent creatures will be a powerful part of her journey of AMC miracles in her life!

11) our Ashton is graduating!!!!! Ahhhhh I can’t believe it! We are so proud of him and excited to celebrate this beautiful accomplishment!

12) Our Eviemira, Tahlia and Hudson are officially done their homeschool year! I am so proud of them and grateful for another year of memories in the books!
13) Our Tahlia officially completed her first year of TEAM Gymnastics! We are so proud of her! She consistently shined and blew us away with her awards, skills and talent and beautiful sportsmanship and beautiful encouragement for others on her team! It’s been a joy to watch her shine!

14) We have so enjoyed having our Isabella home from the mission field! She returned from the Middle East the end of March and it’s been such a blessing to have this past spring to catch up and spend time together and hear her incredible stories of God working and moving in the nations. Please pray as she seeks the Lord for her next steps in her missions journeys. We are so proud of her as she has displayed such bravery and tenacity and beautiful trust in the Lord through some hard and sacred seasons of walking by faith and following his heart. Pray for this time/break at home to be restorative and refreshing.

15) In case I am not on here to post, I want to thank God for 4 years home with our Eviemira as of JUNE 10th (her official gotcha day)! Another reason June is my fav! Our JUNJUN is the biggest blessing and joy to our lives!! We thank God for her every day! We are so humbled and honored and blessed to be her forever family!

Well, I think that’s it for now!
If you to this point in the post, THANK YOU for reading! wow…and so sorry for the overload but I wanted to share some of the family joy and requests for prayer before I take a FB break!
Feel free to reach me through messenger or email or text!
quick reminder: I HOPE you go download the audible version of my book! *see link above! It is so precious! And if you have an extra moment and you were blessed by Hope’s Garden Song please leave a review on Amazon! PRETTY PLEASE!
Thanks for reading our update! We are so thankful for God’s goodness in the land of the living!