"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Our new colors!

Brian and I slaved all weekend to get the painting done! Whew! It’s finally done, except for some touch ups. Notice the awesome job Brian did on the crown molding and wainscoting. I am so proud of him:-). Of course the colors aren’t portrayed accurately through the camera, but you can still get an idea of the big transformation! The family room is silver sage and now houses our awesome leather couch from the basement (ba-bye flower couch!). The foyer is a color called “salsa dancing red”! It really looks like a different house…especially since the yellow walls are gone. I will take more pics later when all things are put on the walls and when the clutter from painting is all cleaned up.:-)

0 thoughts on “Our new colors!

  1. Oh. My. Land!It looks like a completely different house! I LOVE the colors – and the silver sage with your leather sofa just looks fantastic!!I love how you moved the red curtains into your living room – they look GREAT there!Tell Brian the crown molding looks AWESOME! WOW! Can’t wait to see it all in person! :):)

  2. Woo Hoo!!! Glad you chose the silver sage…do you love it? I LOVE the salsa color. I wanted something like that in our house, but we thought maybe we should stay a bit more neutral since we’ll probably move in a few years, but I LOVE THAT COLOR!!!

  3. Looks great girl! Glad the Silver Sage worked out for you – especially with the color matching! The Salsa Dancing is AWESOME…SO wanted something like that…Eric would kill me 😉

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