,Gianna was rushed to ER last night, then admitted to ICU for seizures and bleeding on brain.
They believe the blood thinner meds caused seizures…which is causing brain bleed.
please pray for wisdom for her medical team!! Its very tricky formulating a plan to stop the brain bleed (thickening her blood) while keeping her heart valve safe…very tricky and fragile line to walk. Gianna is screaming and fighting in ICU, GOOD SIGN!!! …they are hopeful there is not longterm damage (beacuse of the location of brain bleed)..I wish we knew more….crying out to the Lord for HIS mercy…PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING of her brain and protection of her delicate heart!! ! We need another miracle, GOD IS ABLE!!! thank you
Johanna Cannelongo‎Cannelongo kiddie Prayer warriors and BRING HUDSON HOME!
11 hrs ·
They think the coumadin which affects blood coagulation (which was still in normal range for what they wanted. ..2.7) caused brain bleed …they do not believe it was the antibiotics or fever. .because she was not out of range??? They are still unraveling the mystery though..with AI, CHOP and Boston all collaborating. They put her on plasma and are stopping coumadin temporarily to try and stop bleeding on brain. Her echo tonight looked. Good. They need to monitor heart valve while they thicken blood. Pray her cat scan tomorrow morning shows HEALING! !!! Pray her fever goes down (104)
Pray they stabilize all her levels.. Pray for healing. Thank you prayer army for covering our daughter…..
Praying sweet friend!!!!!