"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1


Gianna is out of surgery!!

Yup, that (above) is just about how I am feeling right now…..after her third open heart surgery in 3 weeks,
My hands are thrown up in the air in relief and praise!

Thank you for praying for her so faithfully!!

prayers were answered!

It was successful! Her pacemaker has been inserted and it is working beautifully!
She is sleeping peacefully and (even though the breathing tube is currently still in) she is already breathing on her own over the machine’s settings!


The plan is to extubate TONIGHT!!

Please pray all goes well.

The plan and hope is to get her comfortable so she will sleep comfortably tonight and by morning she will get to drink and be soothed!

This girl had such a long day today going all the way from 9am to 3:00 surgery with no fluids or solids.  So hard!

There were many rough spots, but we made it through.

She is an incredibly, strong girl!

A fighter indeed!

And this little fighter is kicking this old breathing tube to the curb tonight because this girl’s lungs are strong and 
she is breathing like a champ!!!
Our God is a faithful GOD!
praising HIM!
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. 
Praise the LORD.
(Psalm 150:6)

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