we have 2 winners!!! Lynn and Amy Comment #’S 2 and 40!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned for another exciting photographer to be revealed…..oh wait, just wait till you see her work!!! MAJOR WOW FACTOR!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENTS CLOSED!!! Winner announced shortly!!!!!! So FUN!!!
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ENTERED!! We love you guys!!

***NOTE: email me if you are having trouble posting comment to this blog post to enter drawing! I can post a comment for you!
Ok, kicking off my SUMMER PHOTO SHOOT giveaway!!!
I have ALWAYS wanted those beautiful professional outdoorsy shots of my family!!! You know the ones I’m talking about, don’t you? Not the ones you take “unprofessionally” and then blow up to get framed…no, they just aren’t the same! LOL
YES, I have been known to covet and drool over the quality of these gorgeous shots! ;)The ones you see circling around facebook done with what you can only imagine are VERY expensive cameras with even MORE expensive lenses that show off the most beautiful lights that make your faces look almost flawless! These are the shots that look natural, not forced…and, they are done in such beautiful settings….and, well…they just make you feel happy when you look at them!
OK, so the question is: have YOU ever wanted one of these type professional outdoor shots done of you and your family or friends? Well, I am so grateful to announce that 3 awesome and talented professional photographers have generously offered to donate time, packages and their amazing talent to help us with our SUMMER GIVEAWAY to raise funds for our adoption to bring home our sweet Tahlia!!
ISN’T THAT AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here’s the deal: throughout the summer months I will be holding three “Professional photo- shoot package Giveaway Contests! And, you have the opportunity to enter your family to win a photo shoot with one of these terrific professional photographers! Each photographer has graciously donated a package/prize for the giveaway! I just am so excited to reveal WHO THEY ARE!!!!
The rules:
1) To enter into the contest you will need to purchase an entry or entries. ONE entry is $5.00 or you can buy “3” entries for THREE chances to win for $10.00.
2)You will have to enter via my blog with a comment with your email address. NOTE: you need a comment for each entry (ie. if you paid $10.00 for three chances then you must leave 3 separate comments stating “I entered” for those 3 chances purchased)
3)I will assign a number to each comment then enter those numbers into the website: Random.org to generate a random winner! This is all done electronically and randomly!
4) when a winner/winners are chosen then you will be contacted and sent your gift card/ gift certificate with your prize! Then, all arrangements for the photo session will be arranged between you and the photographer
5) Entries are available NOW to purchase. Just click the SECURE “chip-in” button—>, or the Paypal “donate button”—-> on the right side of my blog to enter and donate your ticket purchase. BUT don’t forget to leave a comment for EACH ENTRY PURCHASED!!!!
6) comments are only open for entries (if you have questions about this giveaway, you are welcome to email or FB me) 🙂
7) the “giveaway” is open for 7 days, and a winner is randomly chosen on 7th day on July 22
**I set up a chipin donation link over there on the sidebar for entry $$. It is secure and helps me to keep better track! You will get a reciept!
** You may also choose the “paypal button”
OK………………..time to reveal our first photographer!!! (this is so exciting!!)
Her work is beautiful!! I am so impressed by her photos. Please click her link above and visit her page to see a sample! You can also visit her on
facebook at this link
I LOVE LOVE LOVE her baby shots!!!
And, the best part: SHE IS GIVING AWAY: 2 GIFTCARDS!!! WOOHOO!
Each gift card is valued at $100.00 to get a free sitting fee for all in the shoot and a free 8×10 to frame and put on the wall of your home!!
So, TWO winners will be chosen!
You also have the option to give your gift card to someone as a gift. Its your choice!
**100% of the ticket price will go directly to the adoption to bring Tahlia home!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, enter today, you have till friday night (July 22)at 11.00 pm to enter. I will use Random.org to choose two winners!!
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Fabulous idea! Can't think of many things I would be happier to win.
…and for my second entry…
….and the third! Hope I win!
first entry for Olivia Knight (paid cash)
2nd entry for Knight family!!!!
3rd entry for knight family!!!
Great idea!!
I can't wait to meet her!!
entry #2
entry #3
for the Peters.
entry #4
entry #5
entry #6
entry #7
entry #8
entry #9
Entry #1
Entry #2
Entry #3
Entry #4
Entry #5
Entry #6
Entry one on behalf of G-mom pat!
entry 2 per Gmom Pat!
Entry 3 per gmom pat
entry 4 gmom pat!
entry 5 gmom Pat!!
entry 6 Gmom Pat!!!
entry 7 per Gmom Pat!!!
entry 8 per gmom Pat!
Entry #1 amber h
Entry #2
Entry #3
Entry #1 for the Murrell Family via L'burg 🙂
Entry #2 for Murrell Family
Can't wait to meet our little niece!
Entry #3 for Murrell Family
Sophia can't wait to play with her new cousin 🙂
Entry for Waters Family #1
entry for Waters family#2
Entry #3 for Waters family!! THANK YOU SO MUCH DAWN!!!
Entry #1 for Amy Byrd!!:)))
Entry #2 for Amy BYrd! WOOHOO
Entry # 3 for Amy Byrd!!!
Entry #4 for Amy byrd! YEAH!!!
Entry #5 for Amy Byrd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Entry #6 for Amy Byrd!!
THANK YOU AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!