"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1


🎶🎵”REUNITED!!! ….And it feels so goooood!!” 🎵🎶
…..ahhhhh, this is the result of the power of many prayer warriors. ..thank you for praying us back together for Christmas. …we ALL have full hearts now 🙂 💜💛💚 So thankful!!!
I love this quote by Corrie ten Boom:
“We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer. If we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God’s work on behalf of the people for whom we pray.”

….Thank you for riding this rollercoaster with us and being a huge part of her miracle!! We’re so grateful for your prayers and encouragement and love.
Look what God Has DONE!
More reunion pics on the blog tomorrow, soooooo tired, but I didn’t want to go to sleep without thanking her “army.”

We love u all

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