"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

sailing away! (Happy 10 yr anniversary to us)

For some reason….I just cant get the tune of “The Love Boat” out of my head! Well, it could be because on Sunday we are leaving for 7 nights on a “Western Caribbean” cruise on The ROYAL CARIBBEAN!!!!! We are stoked, and I still don’t believe it will happen till we are actually there, God willing.:-) One of the best parts about it, is that we are going with our best friends “Chris and Julie”! We are really excited, and we just ask for prayer for a safe visit, and for safe travels.

Also, please pray for our wonderful parents (Nana, pop-pop, Gmom Pat, papa Buddy) who are soooooo graciously tag teaming for our kiddos. They are such a blessing, and we would not be able to do this without their service to us (we love you mom’s and dad’s :0)!!

Pictures are soon to follow!!!

0 thoughts on “sailing away! (Happy 10 yr anniversary to us)

  1. Oh my goodness!!! I’ve been on THAT cruise, and you are going to have a BLAST!!! Can’t wait to see pictures and hear about your adventures. What islands are you visiting (I can’t remember which islands go with which cruise). I think you go to Grand Cayman….swim with the sting rays!!! I know it sounds touristy, but was really one of the most amazing experiences we’ve had.

  2. I am SO happy and excited for you. You are gonna LOVE this cruise, as Lynn said. It is so amazing! I can’t wait to hear about it when you get back. Tell Chris and Julie we say “hi”! We’ll pray for you this week and for all 4 parents. Have a great time! 🙂 Love you.

  3. WOW WOW WOW! What a great thing for the parents to do for you all. Happy 10 years. What a busy 10 years it has been. Enjoy some rest, relaxation and fun in the sun.

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