"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

sharing in this joyous celebration together…..

wow, what an incredible weekend! It sure does make this GRUELING, AWFUL wait for our Travel Approval so much easier when we get to celebrate our upcoming adoption with friends and family!

First, I have to begin with giving amazing props to my awesome Mom and sister who put weeks of thoughts and preparation into what ended up being such a special and treasured day. What a blessing! Their enthusiasm and support on this journey to their grand-daughter and niece has been crucial for Brian and I. To have such love and support from family means more than I can put into words. They are my biggest cheerleaders….and I am so grateful for them and I love them dearly….

This shower was a gift. It was the little details that touched my heart the most:
For example, my mom and sister fell in love with the “Chinese red thread proverb”
“An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.”

and they made little place setting cards and a beautiful poster to display the poem. I LOVED it!

Then, there was the beautiful album that they gave me where I can put all the “thoughts and prayers” that my friends and family wrote out for Tahlia at the shower. I can’t wait till she is old enough to read them one day. (eyes getting all misty here!)

I LOVED my cake. Not only was in TOTALLY DELISH!! But, it had one of my favorite verses on it, which encompasses the Gospel. It sums of the love our GOD has lavished on us….that He did not leave us, but has adopted us as sons and daughters into His family. Adoption is HIS HEART!

Oh, and LOOK at these gorgeous favors….filled with another of my fav things: CHOCOLATE!!

They also started a “leaving for China” Care package for us, and others generously added to it…filled with travel items of all varieties! THANK YOU! Such a HUGE help!

LETS NOT FORGET ALL THE FOOD!!! Oh my! We were in food heaven! The buffet of choices were simply mouth watering!

I loved how some friends and family brought pot luck dishes as well to add to the buffet. You know why I love that? Because it is a reminder of how we have been loved and supported on this journey to our daughter. We have not had to go it alone, at all. From the very first day that we publicly shared that we were pursuing adoption, we were immediately covered and carried in prayer, love and just simply encouraged and cheered on EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

I told the very special gals in that room that I felt like I was among all of Tahlia’s Aunties. Each dear woman at this shower has been an integral part of bringing Tahlia home…..so that there may be “one less” orphan in the world. Here’s the thing, God’s words says that we are to go care for orphans. So, when the body of Christ comes around a family and carries them prayerfully, emotionally, financially and with much encouragement as they seek to adopt, then they are also playing a HUGE role in caring for that orphan. Oh my, it is a beautiful miracle to be standing in the middle of. That is how God intends it to be, its so beautiful and biblical. We all have many gifts, and when we use them all together to accomplish the Lord’s will, then we are acting as One body with many parts…working together….to do His work. We are being His hands and feet.

SPEAKING OF SUPPORT!!! I am so grateful for the many children who were at my shower….it made me smile with joy to look out into the gym and see a parade of children smiling and running around! These are some of the very children that, almost a year ago, filled countless baby-bottles of change to bring a little girl home, a little girl that they never even had, at that point, knew or seen a picture of! That just melts my heart to mush.

And, here is my dear friend, Jen, blessing me with a “photo shoot booth” at my shower to preserve memories. She is awesome! I will treasure these photos forever!

Here is just a sampling:

Here is another part of my shower that made my heart smile. The girls worked hard to decorate Chinese posters. Love: I can’t think of a more special and fitting word to have displayed all over the walls of our celebration.

would you look at how beautiful this place was! I just loved the pink! More importantly….look around at the amazing people who have LOVED us and carried us on this journey.

I really was showered with love!

What a treasure of a day. Thank you my dear Mom and sister
who put this fabulous event together….your labor of love touched my heart. And, thank you to all those that were there with me celebrating in God’s miracle of adoption!! Your love and support mean the world to us!

Ok, now we just need our Travel Approval!!!!!!

0 thoughts on “sharing in this joyous celebration together…..

  1. Just stumbled upon your blog through No Hands But Ours! Our daughter came home from China last year with cleft lip and palate. She was 15 months old when she came home. We have been blogging about our journey at olsonfamilymatters.blogspot.com. If you have any questions about the cleft surgery, post-op, etc., we would be happy to share about our experience – we have learned so much!

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