Today, a dear precious woman, who we have come to love with all our hearts, handed us one of her treasures.
Gianna Lilyfaith is now ours forever. My heart can’t even express in words the gratefulness I feel for being chose by the Lord to be Gianna’s parents.
How special it was for Lily (her foster mom, director of Harmony House) to hand Gianna over to us.
She was the one who picked up a sick little girl up from the hospital when she was just 7 months old and nursed her back to health
 She is the one who has “mothered” Gia along with her nannies and protected and nurtured our daughter till we got there.
I know it hurt Lily to let her go, but she is so strong. She loves that little girl so much and to hear her say that she is so thankful for us to adopt her made me weep…
I couldn’t stop crying when I hugged her…..I am just so thankful for this angel that the Lord has used in Gianna’s life…..
What a privilege and honor for her to hand Gianna into my arms. It was so powerful….adequate words fail me.
I am so grateful for the extended time we got to spend with Lily and to be able to develop a special relationship.
We will miss her so much! I am so thankful that Gianna will always know how much she was loved while waiting for us in China…
I am so thankful that we are now her forever family….What a miracle she is!