"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

sleep sound in Jesus

A hard night. This evening Isabella came down with a fever and sore throat. She finished her antibiotics 2 days ago, so we are going to start her back on another round. Please pray for healing.

So, the last few nights Tahlia has been sleeping in our bed with all three of us (the room has one King size bed). But, its been very hard to get a good nights sleep with her next to us. She rolls around a lot, and I am so afraid one of us are going to roll on her. Plus, Isabella is not really getting good night sleeps because every time Tahlia cries, either she or I will pull her onto her chest to soothe her back to sleep. Isabella will usually get to her before I will….she is such a good big sissy. We must have woken up 6 times last night with wondering who had her…I felt very confused…and, I didn’t feel like any of us were getting good sleep….even the baby.

Well, tonight when it was time for us all to go to sleep, she cried because she didn’t want to lay down in bed. And, I thought “the crib is a safer place for you” and this was a good night to try it out. haha….easier said than done!! It was like “gotcha day” all over again….by the look of her aweful tearful, slobbery and sad face!! For this momma’s heart, it was aweful! But, I had a peace about staying the course and pressing on. With a tearful heart, I would sing to her, lay her back down as she tried to climb out (over and over again), and rub her back….then if she got too hysterical, I would pick her up, rock her a few minutes and lay her back down. I sat in a chair next to her and kept telling her “momma is here, I am not going to leave you…I am here” I prayed for peace to fall over her. I prayed for peace to continue to flood my mind, as I had to witness those tearful eyes looking in my eyes as if to say “why won’t you get me out of here?” Finally, when I was about to give up, I prayed…and, the Lord laid an idea on my heart!

When my bio kids were all babies I would play this cd: Sleep Sound in Jesus by Michael Card.
for each of them to go to sleep. It was our nightly tradition….each song was a lullaby filled with prayers for their dreams and life. Its my absolutely favorite lullaby cd. But, we haven’t played it since Ashy was 3 years old. Now, they listen to other music while going to bed. So, I had forgotten about it…. till tonight, that is. I broke out the computer and downloaded the mp3 cd on Amazon cloud and just started playing it w/in 2 minutes….(thank God for modern technology) because as soon as it started to play she laid right down and started sucking her fingers and surrendered almost immediatley to sleep.

It was almost instantaneous. I was so thankful. I had to take a picture to document God’s answer to my prayer. My heart was so sad to watch her go through such agony, it hurt me….but, I knew it was for her best…she wasn’t safe in that big bed with all of us.
My prayer is for her to “sleep sound in Jesus” and for her to have the peace to know that momma will still be here when she wakes up, that I will not ever leave her, ever…may she know that she will always be loved.


Sleep sound in Jesus my baby, my dear,

Angels are watching they keep you so near.

Know for His sake you’ll be safe for the night,

Sleep sound in Jesus, I’ll turn out the light.

Sleep sound in Jesus, sweetheart of my heart,

The dark of the night will not keep us apart.

When I lay down in your bed for the night,

He holds you gently till morning is light.

Sleep sound in Jesus, the angels are here,

They’re keeping watch so there’s nothing to fear.

Against any foe they are ready to fight,

So sleep sound in Jesus, I’ll turn out the light.

Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles

Hugs From Heaven

When you feel a gentle breeze

Caress you when you sigh

It’s a hug sent from Heaven…..

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