"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Stopping to smell the flowers: Spring surprises!

The garden has started it’s SPRING SHOW!!!! OOOOOOOOOH, I LOVE COLOR IN THE GARDEN!!!!!! I am a very eclectic gardener…especially in my side garden. I call it my experimental garden. And, my theory is you can’t get weeds if every empty spot has something in it! (though, they STILL COME!!) But, you CAN’T see them! LOL

Forget order, patterns, and design!!! No, I would rather of circus of color and a surprise of a fireworks display of blooms!!!
Each morning we go out and look at it, you never know what you will see pop up! Sometimes bulbs from 5 years ago will suddenly make an appearance, isn’t that awesome!!!

For Mother’s day, I got a new rose bush, a Dick Clark Rosebush!!! See if you can spot my new addition to the garden, it has quite possibly the most beautiful flower on it!

Here is one of my mother’s day gifts!!! It appears to have a light inside the bloom, just gorgeous!

And, here i will leave you with our little renters in our bird box. Now, each year we have a pair of blue birds visit our bird box. However, we noticed that there was a battle for the box going on between the bluebirds and a certain Robin. Well, it looks like the Robin won (can you tell the color of the eggs)
But, I think the bluebirds are confused because they keep coming back to the box …and then they get chased away by the Robin mommy….oh dear, BIRD DRAMA!! LOL

And…..evidently this is the mom!!!! LOL

And, the kids discovered this little treasure today in our neighbor’s yard: WOW!!!!!

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