So, I mentioned in my last post that Brian and I have been cooking up a surprise for the kids for the past few months. It’s taken that long to see if all the conditions would prayerfully fall into place (re-financing, Brian’s job news, interest rates…etc). It’s been a top secret mission that we have prayed and discussed for so long, so when the door was finally opened for us to confirm it, we were busting at the seems to tell the kids!
But, we needed a clever way to do it! So, we took a few more weeks to just marinate in the reality ourselves and plan a way to tell them!
So, a scavenger hunt it is! They were so excited when we told them what they’d be doing. Now, they (at first) didn’t really get that this would be such a HUGE surprise, cause we kinda downplayed it just casually saying that we were just having family-fun night and playing a game where a simple hidden message would be revealed…(nothing too big of a deal). 😉 WINK WINK!
But, a “hidden message” was enough to get their adrenaline going!!! Soon, the mission was on!!! They were to discover the message themselves with picture clues that they find in the scavenger hunt along the way!
And…clue #1
You can see the wheels turning all ready!!!!!
 Off to the tramp for the next clue!
Here’s a video of a clue that they found!!!
Reconvening at the table to discuss clues found so far….. Love Bella’s face of pure confusion! LOL
back to clue hunting!
Tahlia gets to join in on the fun too!
And, now that all clues are found, they need to do some team work and brain storming to figure out the message!
and here’s a little video of some of their theories!!
And, can you believe that Helaina would guess this??? Kinda crazy! We told her she needed to be more “realistic!!!” LOL
And, here’s the BIG REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best way to describe their faces…..STUNNED SHOCK!! Then, as it processed….pure excitement!!!
And, now they get to know all the juicy, fun, over the top details!!!
And, can I tell ya that they could hardly go to sleep that night….they were PUMPED UP!!!!! Oh my, I can’t imagine the excitement that will be spilling over the edges the night before we fly out!
It truly is a “DREAM COME TRUE”….for all of us!!!!
( cause, I’ve only been there once for a day trip when I was a little girl, Brian and the kids, of course, have never ever been there!)
Brian and I are pretty sure this will be a “Once in a lifetime” trip…,
I don’t think any of us will be getting sleep for the next 50 or so days!!!!
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How fun to go see Cinderella! What a wonderful surprise for your family. I was hoping it would be Disney in LA when I figured out that it was Disney and we could have met up. Another time! Have a blessed and wonderful trip!
How fun!!!!! You will have so much fun with your kiddos. perfect to go once school is back in. Oh the joys of Homeschooling. 🙂
Hope you have a FANTASTIC time!! I love the idea and may just have to do something like that the next time we go!
Totally cool! What an awesome way to surprise your children! Like you, I was there once as a girl, dh & kids, never!
Hope you can keep the excitement to a dull roar for the next two months…
PS Thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂