"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Tahlia update!! (She is getting so big!!)

We have all been drooling over these newest pics. I even walked into Bella’s room late last night to tell her to PLEASE turn off her IPOD! But, then I saw what she was staring at….and, I made her scoot over and I laid down with my first born. We gazed together at the newest photos. We oohed and awed over them. We commented on how much she is changing and growing, and we dreamed about her little sister, about the day when she will be with us….

So, about her measurements: She is small, a little petite thing. She is 18 months old. And, according to her measurements she is 19 lbs and she is 28 inches tall. Her little feet are 11cm(4 inches) and she has SEVEN teeth!!!!! My girl has seven teeth!! I wonder if she has had a painful time with teething, like her cousin Natasha? 🙁

We also got some more info on her. For instance, her favorite toys are puzzles, blocks and the piano! She is attached to a specific nanny (What a heaven-sent that nanny is) and two little friends are her buddies! She eats rice congee A LOT! She eats it w/ chicken, pork, fish and beef! LOL. She also loves applesauce!
Oh, she is walking!!!! OH NO! World watch out, cause there is another CanneLongo on the move!! Time to baby-proof the house!! And, with her little cousin, Natasha, getting ready to get mobile on her two feet….our family gatherings are now gonna get a lot more FUN!!!!

Ok, they say that when she is sad, she likes candy to comfort her! Yup, she is definitely one of ours! ha! She will fit in well! She also likes to be picked up when she is upset….(I’m thinking that there will be no lacking of that in this house)!
According to her nannies: “She takes a nap around noon – 2:00pm; she plays in the activity room after her nap; she goes to bed around 8:30pm and gets up at 6:00am; and she may fall asleep for a short while at other times during the day.
**um, did that say 6am?? Oh dear, good bye days of sleeping in till 9am!!! LOL

Oh, and as far as speech…because of her open palate there isn’t much! She says sounds like “AH AH” and “Wah WAh!”. So, we are brushing up on our sign language skills so she can start communicating early on with us!

Ok, enough of my chatter….here’s our goofy girl!

PEACE!!!!!!!!!! (LOL, this just cracks us up, how she is interacting with the photographer)

awww, those little tootsies :)!! She loves piano, they say! Maybe a prodigy, already? 😉

She is clapping!! YAY!!! Good girl, you finished the puzzle!!!!!
I love that she has toys:)
So, they keep cutting her hair :(…but, I love that it is standing STRAIGHT up!! This momma wants to get bows and flowers on that cute little head!!

Ok, this next one just makes me think that we have a VERY SILLY girl on our hands! Oh, yeah….she looks like a goof ball!! Can I just scoop our little ham up now, and kiss those cheeks?? My goodness, Christmas can’t get here fast enough!!

SO, I had to have some fun with the pics. I zoomed up to look at her features more. Her eyes just make me melt. Her smile makes my heart sing.

First, a fun collage!

It’s funny, I look at these pictures and my first thought is “SHE IS SO SO CUTE, I want her now!!!” But, then I get a sad feeling. Like a wave of deep ache. I can’t explain it, because it’s not just the overwhelming desire to be with her. But, I look at her and I realize that she really is a stranger to me, to us. She has lived so much life already, endured more grief and struggle in her short 18 months then I have ever experienced in my whole 35 years. She amazes me. She is a champion, a little warrior. I mean, just look at that smile! I can’t believe that we get the privilege and blessing to be able to call her ours. Good heavens, I am in awe of such a gift! I only pray that the Lord will give us what we need to be able to give her what she needs. Praying to be equipped to be the best parents we can be for her. I know it won’t be possible in our own strength….but, we are trusting in Him, He chose her for us!

…(sigh) we’re comin’ sweet baby, I promise…we can hardly wait to Getcha!!!! 🙂

0 thoughts on “Tahlia update!! (She is getting so big!!)

  1. girl, she is gorgious! what a cutie pie! and i LOVE that she has some toys to play with! she sits up SOOO well! she's already light-years ahead of emery when we met her…just think what a few months in your arms will do!! oh, it makes me smile to think of her in your arms!
    and i know that grief…that fear of not actually knowing her and her past and what she has endured. all i can say, is after a few weeks…after seeing each other through some difficult days, you wake up and feel like you know each other. like she's always been there. the little strange things she does that make no sense, well, they might still be there…but they will be so outnumbered by the stuff you do know and do understand.
    keep trusting that God can overcome so much more than we can think or dream…just wait…man oh man…big things in store for this precious gem!!

  2. Emily can't wait to squish her!! I love looking into Tahlia's eyes. There is so much depth behind them!! I love that she seems at peace and already experiences joy.

  3. How fun to get an update. I laughed when I read that “when she is sad she likes candy.” We were told the same thing. Our guide even went out and bought the same candy that the orphanage gave Benjamin so that when he cried we could give him some. I don't think they like to see the kids cry.

    At The Garden, they have congee on the breakfast buffet every morning- that was Ben's favorite.

    I also wanted to tell you that because Half the Sky works with the orphanage we were able to get a “life book” it is so precious. There are pictures from the same week he was abandoned all the way to present. I still have to get it translated but our guide told us it gives updates on his progress. I wouldn't be surprised if you get one too.

    I feel like my comment is totally random. It is just so exciting to see pictures of someone from my son's past. I am praying that you feel the hand of God protecting Tahlia.

  4. She is just beautiful and she's a perfect fit for your family! Praying for her and for you as you prepare to be together! Please keep writing!

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