to our friends and family who have lavished and surrounded us with prayer, pizzas, cleaning, fence fixing, New Year’s banquets ;), emails,gifts, phone calls, wisdom, advice, visits,encouragement, PRAYER, and of course, my favorite…………………….:

Seriously, each meal that came to us from you on a certain day or night was always exactly needed in that given time. There’s such encouragement through food!:)
We are eternally thankful for all of you….and the way you have helped to carry our burdens these past 3 weeks (almost 4) while adjusting to jet lag, sleepless nights, needy kids, grumpy parents, attachment issues, laundry mountains, and just….well, life with 5 kids. The love of Christ has poured through each of you …right smack to my family’s heart.
What a gift.
***a special shout -out goes to my dear friend, Carol, for setting up that Care calendar….thank you Carol. God knew MORE THAN ME, that I would so need that kinda help! I had no idea! 😉 LOVE AND HUGS!!!
What sweet and generous friends you have!