"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Thank you JESUS for motherhood!

This year for mother’s day, I came downstairs to a pile of homemade cars still freshly smelling of wet glue. When I read these home-made cards, I was filled with joy knowing my sweeties took the special time to write precious letters, cut out cute red hearts, and draw beautiful pictures….all, to show me love…can there be any greater joy? My cup over-floweth!

When I reached the bottom step, this is what I was greeted with :
In case the video isn’t working (I am having technical difficulties) The kids greeted me with “happy Mother’s day” in Chinese!!!! It sounded like this:


I was so surprised.
This mother’s day felt different, I would lie if I said it didn’t feel like someone was missing. Well, evidently the whole family felt the same way, and they signed Tahlia’s name to the Mother’s day cards! It was so sweet to read her name next to all of theirs! And, daddy wrote “to the most wonderful mother of my FIVE kids”!!! And, I gotta tell ya: reading the number FIVE just felt natural….like it’s meant to be! Here is my mother’s day pic, and there is a space right up front for our little chinese girl!

We finished our day celebrating with my mom and sister, while waiting for TWO hours for a table at Border’s Cafe….but, it was so worth it!!

Wait, where’s the BABY???? Oh, Little Natasha was sound asleep in her carseat! She was such a good baby during lunch!

We then finished the day at Grandma Pat’s and Papa Buddy’s with mom-mom Tita and Pop-Pop Marty!
It was SUCH A GOOD DAY! We got to honor and share the day with the most important mom’s in our lives.

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