"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

The basketball diaries

Isabella and Ethan finished their season of basketball and earned themselves a beautiful trophy. They had a lot of fun, especially since daddy was their coach (how else would he groom them for the professionals (smile)!
This was Isabella’s second year and Ethan’s first. They had a lot of fun….so did daddy. Isabella made huge strides in perfecting her shots, and Ethan learned to do a mean dribble! Though, I think that he was more fascinated with the stop clock and score board then the game, lol!

0 thoughts on “The basketball diaries

  1. Looks like such fun! Our church runs an Upward program for basketball and the girls can begin in 1st grade. I think we’ll let them give it a go. I didn’t get into sports until 8th grade and wish I had started earlier.

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