The first blooms of Spring have declared their coming glory in our Gianna’s winter garden.
New Life. 💜🌱
Glimpses of spring Miracles coming.
New life blooming from a broken garden.
To witness growth is a sacred honor. It’s Gods gift even in the trenches of grief.
To see love multiply beyond comprehension, despite loss, is proof of one thing: death does not win!
Death hurts like literal hell.
Death has ripped a forever hole out from the inside of my heart that daily screams for “what should be” and this hole bleeds and scabs and hemorrhages at any given time.
But death does not have the final say. Bleeding is not only evidence of trauma, but also evidence of LIFE.
It is a straight-up, undeserving, God-sized Miracle when the deepest darkest pain can be turned into the deepest outpouring and gift of HOPE and LIGHT.
New life can grow, even from the trenches of pain and suffering. New life can grow even from the depths of crushing grief.

This bloom did not come easily. It was birthed from the crushing of a seed. The miracle of new life does not in any way fix or dismiss the agonizing pain of loss and suffering. Instead, however, the gift of new life “honors” the depths of pain and brokenness.
Gianna’s garden will continue to grow and expand as a visual of truth. The theme of our life this side of April 22, 2018 will always be GROW.
Gia’s life is eternal and, because of this truth, we choose to let the promise of eternity cause our aching souls to unearth His Hope, even from the depths of a wasteland.
The Truth that keeps lighting up our darkness is that our God is no less God in the shadows and no less faithful in the valleys, even when we can’t feel Him.
He is never done revealing a story that gives holy glimpses behind the veil to testify to the rescuing Truth of a GREATER redemption to come. A future hope when He will make ALL THINGS NEW.
He gives peeks into His providence through a wild glimpse at redemption here on earth. Just a peek to keep our hearts beating with a HOPE that will never disappoint.
While we wait in our broken gardens for the great Redemption of all that is wrecked in this world, He is writing and revealing pages that have a thread of victory laced through the pain -filled chapters. Glimpses of a greater final Victory to come over the curse of death.
These are God’s deposits of a promise.
Seeds of Hope.
These are His Fingerprints of a faithful promise to imprint a message of HOPE on our broken hearts.
Death loses. Life wins.
To choose to hold new life…to give space for LIFE, within the depths of the valleys of darkness, is to get a holy glimpse into eternity.
Hold on…hold on tight to LIFE…

..because It is a sacred thing to be brave enough to fully embrace both the depths of pain and sorrow, “and” the overwhelming beauty of new Life and love; after all, is this not what the saving cross on Calvary gives to a broken world?
He is making ALL THINGS NEW.
“Every dry and barren place will burst forth with abundant blossoms
dancing and spinning with delight!
Lebanon’s lush splendor covers it,
the magnificent beauty of Carmel and Sharon.
My people will see the awesome glory of Yahweh,
the beautiful grandeur of our God.”
Isaiah 35:2

You can read more about our personal story of “New Life blooming from a broken Garden” here:…/
#livegiagrowforever #forevercarried #miraclesofNewLife#wildflowerHope #alwaysaGiahole #lightfromlight