"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

The little orphan kitty…

….God is really neat in his timing. Just a week ago my mom lost her dear cat (one who she found homeless 10 years ago). Well, let me get the story straight…Actually, my sister and I discovered the kitty outside our home meowing like she was hungry….so, of course we fed it:-). Well, she didn’t go away. So, my mom, with her sweet loving spirit, brought kitty in. It was a sad week for my mom losing this cat. Well, just this weekend my friend put out an email saying that her friend was looking for someone to take in an orphaned 5 week old kitten that they had saved. So, I was astounded at the timing of everything. I happened to call my mom and sis to see if they were interested in becoming the adoptive parents of this precious kitten. We weren’t able to because Ethan and Isabella are allergic:-(. My sister quickly agreed!! So, here is the little kitty being syringe fed….(so cute)! As you can see, my mom and sister took to him right away…you just couldn’t ask for better parents!

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