As I held and rocked an upset Gianna today (after she awoke from her hospital procedure)…instead of feeling the usual sadness and depression for what she has to go through.
….I felt a new wave of fresh gratefulness. Of course, not grateful for the battle she is facing, but so grateful that she doesn’t walk it alone (as she did with her first heart surgery in China).
Not gonna lie, Its been hard going into this unknown battle….scary and uncomfortable. Â It still is.
My heart breaks over and over again…
Yet, God reminded me that this is a PURE HONOR and gift to be in this moment. this is a moment that He planned before the beginning of the world to display His glory.
 You see We GET to walk our daughter through this miracle. We GET to be the ones who she finds comfort in as we fight this battle together. She is not alone.
I get to be her mama through the hard battles. She has a family that GOD chose to be hers forever. We were entrusted with this precious and unique treasure….and
 SHE IS WORTH IT all of it.  What a blessing to be HERS.
God chose our family for Gianna Lilyfaith….That privilege and honor is not lost on me as we face this mountain miracle that ONLY God can accomplish.
We get to see God display HIS glorious power through her life. I am so humbled by this reality…
So…..Today….the cardiologist took us into a small room after her MRI and echo and sat us down to explain the finalized plan for tomorrow. Â My heart was beating hard.
But, We were so encouraged when he said that they are still convinced (after assessing her ventricle size and pressures) that a FULL BI-ventricle repair is what is best and is what they are committed to doing. Â My heart felt a relief….that was certainly coupled with nervousness.
We were supposed to speak with the surgeon but he was in a very complex surgery all day. However, we will speak to him tomorrow before the surgery begins and Brian and I are hoping to take a moment to pray over him and his hands (even if he feels weird about it)
….I dont care, afterall…he will be holding our daughter’s heart in his hands. I will not let him touch it without us praying for him 🙂
The Cardiologist explained in detail the complexity of this surgery.
 Please pray hard…..I wish I had the energy to go into detail but it is HUGE and involves very intricate positioning, baffling, patching, cutting, attaching, re-attaching, converting, and creating. And all this with a heart that is very different and unique from the standard heart.  This surgery will last at least 7 hours they told us. Surgery begins at 8:30 am.
Please pray for the Lord to guide the surgeons hands and for Gianna to come through with FLYING COLORS.
I am nervous, scared and anxious….but we know GOD didnt bring us this far to leave us now. Â I know He is carrying us, all of us. He can be trusted…even in the BIGGEST battles we face. I feel like he is holding us in the eye of the storm….where there is a sense of peace that is just unexplainable.
Today after Gianna was discharged from the hospital, we took a walk to an Ice-cream shop and celebrated that she will be getting a HEART MAKEOVER tomorrow!
Celebrating what GOD WILL DO.
We are PRAISING GOD for what He will do and praying that all will see HOW big and powerful our God is as He continues to display His glorious wonders through Gianna’s heart!
A precious friend of mine created this beautiful poster for us and just brought us to tears. Thank you Kelly! What a blessing to see a tangible reminder on Facebook and Instagram that so many are holding our girl up in prayer and claiming healing for her precious heart.
THANK YOU FOR PRAYING for our sweet girl……Your prayers are ushering in her miracle! He is able, and we pray and claim in faith what HE WILL DO!
Blessings. I will be praying for all of you.
Praying for your sweet girl! I have a Gianna, too,
adopted from South Korea in 2011! I know she will do fabuluous in her surgery in Jesus' name
I was recently added to the heart FB group as we are preparing to bring home our daughter with a single ventricle heart/heterotaxy and some other unique complications. I saw your post and just read your blog. I was sharing with our 4 year old today about the names of God and the one we talked about today is that He is our comforter and healer. Praying Gia's surgery went well and that you will continue to see God's mighty hand displayed in her life in the days ahead. We will be praying for her recovery and healing. I love how you said it is an honor that God has chosen you to walk with her through this battle…so very true. “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3