"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Turn up the music!

I am so excited! I did it! I finally figured out how to add music to our blog! See music is an absolutely favorite thing in our house….you always here some form of it (whether its in “tune” or not…lol). So, it only seemed fitting to add our most uplifting and favorite tunes to our “digital scrapbook”. Each song was hand-selected by me with my kids and each has its own meaning. So, go ahead and “turn up the music” and let your heart be inspired and encouraged by the selections (you’ll see my “play-list in the side-bar on the right side on my blog page). And, if you dont like it…just turn off your speakers or you can push the “pause” button…(snicker)…LOL:-)!

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Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo