"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1


Daddy and the boys are breaking us out Today *sunday*!!!!

We will be home for Christmas!


What a miraculous journey it has been to a FULL heart for our Gianna Lilyfaith!

If you are just getting to know our story, well….to understand the FULLNESS of this miracle, please take the time to read this post ,  this post and this post

We brought Gianna home from China as a child with a single ventricle (half  heart anatomy).

A heart that, we were told, would one day need to be transplanted.

Then we were given the news of a miraculous 2nd ventricle at a dr. appointment that wasn’t even suppose to happen.
An unexpected doctor appointment at a different hospital just to get a quick look at her heart before her her REAL heart appointment at a local well known HEART hospital which was to be weeks later.

Had we continued with our first plan to go with the specific HEART hospital FIRST then we would have never known about this possibility.
We were told by this doctor at the second appt, a FULL repair is out of the question. NOT A POSSIBILITY.
See, this doctor told us what we expected to hear. This is the future we knew  was going to be….and we would have  been NONE THE WISER had we not *by GOD CHANCE* happen to hear from another doctor FIRST with a different opinion.

We would have never known to step out on this risky path and to look further into this new possibility of HOPE.
 through an amazing act of grace, the Lord lead us to an awesome doctor who gave us a new UNEXPECTED HOPE for Gianna’s heart.

But even he and his team were on the fence.
He told us there was only one place to consult with …and he sent all her records there.

Which then led us to BOSTON CHILDREN’S (a hospital we had never, up to that moment, ever heart of).
God directed us down an unexpected miracle.

EXACTLY 6 weeks ago we carried in a precious daughter with a half- heart circulation into the hospital.

There were dark and terrifying moments during that time when Brian and I thought God may take our precious daughter from this earth.

We were forced to surrender our will
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared of what HIS will was going to be….but I knew I had to trust and PRAY PRAY PRAY and whatever the outcome, God knew. He is God and I am not.

and here we are….many weeks later.

Our brave Gianna is walking out tomorrow with a NEW FULL HEART!!
YES, we get to go home tomorrow and prepare for Christmas and celebrate the most amazing gift ever.


God used the knowledge and optimism of this amazing cardiologist who was willing to choose HOPE.

and the skillful and gifted hands of this amazing surgeon who did the incredible 11 hour reconstruction, 2 weeks later…another 6 hour surgery and a week later….another 4 hour surgery.
He held her precious heart in his incredible hands and fully repaired it. UNBELIEVABLE!
Something we initially, upon bringing her home, thought would never be a possibility.

and I am going to take a moment to tell you just how amazingly caring and compassionate and loving these two doctors have been to us.
We were so grateful to be under their care.

GOD used those 3 open heart surgeries and these two amazing and caring doctors and a team of an amazing medical staff and HE performed a miracle.

TWO working ventricles!!!!!!

 A heart that can stay within her precious body for her full time on this earth.

We have such an unspeakable joy for this gift.


We did not have anything to do with this miracle.
People sometimes say, “this is how God rewarded your faithfulness”

We would have still considered ourselves “rewarded” no matter the outcome of her heart path.

Knowing Gia, loving Gia. Being hers….THAT is our reward for stepping out of the boat.

He never promises us how long we will have on earth with our children.
No matter the amount of time, it does not lessen the reward, or dim the treasure that they are to us.

 I am just thankful God chose to display HIS glory in this manner and answer so many prayers. WE ARE HUMBLED. He is mighty to save.
 God led us, we walked the path of an unexpected miracle. ALL HIM!

I just laugh when people say “SHE’S” the blessed  or lucky one! *bleh!!*
  They have no idea how close we were to giving in to fear, how close we were to missing this treasure,  how close we were to never knowing her smile, her joy, her bravery, her will to live…so near close to never witnessing this miracle had FEAR won. 

Oh let me tell you…it is abundantly clear that WE are the BLESSED ones because we get to be hers. 
Look what we would have missed….had LOVE not won.   

So glad God got a hold of our hearts in a fierce way, and comfort didn’t win.

Ya’ll …..listen to me, Love is always worth it….don’t miss out because of the risk. 
Nothing compares with the blessing that will overflow your heart with joy……

Love always wins.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things…Love never fails.
(1 COR 13:7)

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