Two years ago our skies fell, our sun fell, and we broke into a million pieces on a sacred ICU hospital room floor.
We held and kissed our baby girl for the final time on earth and then we were made to leave her.
They had to pry our arms and fingers off of her one by one as we wailed in agony and pressed our hearts against her heart for the final time.

It is not supposed to be this way.
You are never supposed to leave your baby at a hospital!
A parent’s arms are never supposed to walk out of a hospital building empty.
A sibling is not supposed to grow up without their sissy.
It is brutal, it is torturous and it is an evil -pain without translation.
It is not supposed to be this way.
I have one HOPE when my earthly hope failed me so cruelly and we did not get the outcome we so desperately prayed for.
My God is not done, and she is not dead.

She is alive more than ever and we will hold her again.
This truth is the only reason I continue to live on earth without my baby and allow my heart to keep growing in life and love around deep loss.
God’s Living HOPE rescued our Gianna Lilyfaith from the claws of death, healed her and made her whole.
HIS truth and His gift of eternity rescues me and my family every day from the pit of despair.
One day, our broken hearts will be made whole and we will embrace and squish her again!
I will hear her laugh again. My family and I will laugh again with no pain as an echo. No more tears. No more death. No more disease.
All made new.

DO you know this kind of rescuing HOPE that holds on when life goes desperately dark?
This Hope does not take the pain away, but it is a balm to the hemorrhaging wound and a salve that wraps up all the broken pieces.
It is a life-raft in a sea of grief.
It is Jesus in the broken garden sweating blood with us, moaning with us, holding tightly to us.
It is an empty grave.
It is a lit-up Sunday promise on a dark Saturday night.
It is a promise that no one can take away from us and a song that sings louder than our groans and wails.
He is not done! He will make ALL things NEW!
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)