"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

we got ourselves a singer!

Something we have discovered about Tahlia is that she LOVES music!! She will sing and dance. We caught her on video singing “I’ll be home for Christmas” (So appropriate!)
Her voice goes up and down with the music…SO CUTE!!!!

And here are our pics from today. It was an easy-goin’ day . It started with feeding the fish, she finally learned how to feed them herself….with daddy’s help!

We then just hung out and Tahlia got very brave and wanted to walk a lot today!!
When we got home Brian went to work out and Isabella and I just spent the afternoon listening to You tube Christmas music…..

Tahlia also decided to help Isabella organize our food pantry…she is quite the helper!!

Tahlia (one week)!!!

It’s so hard to believe we have had our sweet little girl for exactly one week. Each day we have discovered more and more of the true Tahlia…and she is one very special girl!! But, we already knew that!
Sometimes it feels like we have had her forever, and other times we are sobered by the reality that we are just getting to know this sweet little lady and win her trust…
Today, was a good day for daddy/daughter bonding. They played bubbles together, fed the fish and shared McDonalds French fries. But, she still will not allow him to hold her…..in time, in time she’ll be running to his arms. However, she has slept on his chest….and, he just eats it up! We are so encouraged by how far they have come…but, each day it feels like he starts all over with winning her trust. We are hoping and praying that as each day goes by and there are more special moments made with daddy, that she’ll hold the warm fuzzies in her long term memory and he can progress with their relationship…..:)
But, in reality….it has only been ONE week (can you believe that??)…and he is the first man she has known and interacted with. So, we won’t rush her…we’ll continue at her pace. We trust God to form the special bond!

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