"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

We made it!!!

The kids officially finished their school year! YEAH!!!! I just don’t know where the year went, it went fast! But, it was filled with a lot of milestones. Just to name a few: Ethan is now an official READER and he finished his 230 page Bible reader!!! Isabella has traveled the whole country, she also read 150 books this school year (most were chapter books)! Helaina can cut with scissors, and Ashton can play nicely while we do school (OK, sometimes:-). They are really proud of themselves….and we are proud of their accomplishments!
Its been a year richly blessed by God in so many ways. He has given me a joy and drive to teach my kids. But, He is also transformed my heart in many ways concerning my philosophy. I praise God, because I have learned to relax in the area of “academics and acceleration” and learned to just enjoy where my kids are at as individuals, and enjoy learning along side them. It is less about “am I using the right curriculum??” And, “Are they advancing at the right pace??”….But, it has become soooo much more about “Did they they see the Lord, today??? Did they enjoy each other today? Did we have fun learning together? Was there a spark in their eyes when they learned something new? Did they experience God’s creation outside? Did they experience forgiveness today? Did they offer forgiveness? Did they feel God’s grace in the little things in life….and in the BIG! Did they love and feel loved?”
It is so easy to lose perspective and get caught up in schedules, finishing the lesson, getting stuff done……etc. God sometimes has to tap me on the shoulder(slam me against a wall) and remind me that I can just enjoy sitting with the kids on the couch with a good book (well, most are on the couch….one may be running around) and just enjoy being with each other with no schedule at all. It is one of the beauties of homeschooling. You get to be tucked away from the hustle an bustle of the world and just enjoy one another and allow yourself to take that breath.
I say all this to just give glory to God for refreshing my vision for my kids schooling and for mothering in general. Because, I am realizing that schooling really is just an extension of parenting not a separate entity at all. I discovered that I am ALWAYS teaching my children “something”. Whether we are at a table with paper and pencil….or when I am on my knees before them asking for forgiveness for speaking in anger. Whether I am filling a portfolio or not, God has taught me that everything I do is serving to fill their hearts as well, and to teach them about their Savior and his Love. I thank him for reminding me of why I homeschool. We are going on our 5th year of this journey, and I feel even more sure of this calling then when I began!
Though, at times I certainly do feel inadequate. Yet, I know that God is ABLE to accomplish through me what He needs to concerning my children (despite my faults and inadequacies). I just need to allow myself to be used by Him. Each year has it’s challenges and it’s successes, but it is God’s grace that carries us through each day (no matter how chaotic the day has been, or how little I feel we got accomplished). By the end of the day, it is about whether their hearts were touched and molded. I count it a privilege.

…..Here are some pics of their end of the year ice cream celebrations with their grandparent!….

0 thoughts on “We made it!!!

  1. Girl, this was so good for me to read. WE kick off in the fall with kindergarten and your heart for God’s plan in your schooling was just what I needed. I sit here with my RR catalog and my “plans”…thank you for this.What a fun end to the year.PS – we are kicking it off in williamsburg at Great Wolf…I recall you all head there each winter… 🙂

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