"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1


and JET LAG IS KICKING OUR BUTTS!!!!! Here are some pics and below is a post that I wrote on the plane.
Our guide picked us up at the airport and drove us to our hotel. It is SOOOO Cold here!!! Our room is nice, its a corner room….13th floor! LOL…great view. We are zombies….Isabella and Brian are sleeping on the bed..I’m ready to join them! Just wanted everyone to know, we made it!! We have arrived to Tahlia’s birth-land! Its about 6pm here and its 5 am where you are. We are going to sleep now, and gonna wake up later tonight maybe)to eat dinner! good-night! click on pic to view other pics!

arriving in china!

Thoughts from plane: (typed in-air…it was a LOOOOOONG flight, so blogging killed time):)

Its 11:14pm US time, but its 12:(afternoon) China time! I am sitting in my seat and I just got done looking out our window and saw snow covered Siberia!! Crazy!! The path of our plane takes us north flying over Alaska, North pole and Russia!!! Interesting way to get to China! We’ve been in the plane 10 hours and have about 3 1/2 more to go.

It’s been so awesome to experience all of this this far through the eyes of Isabella! Her first time in an airport! The airport was hilarious as we navigated around to find our gate,and even found starbucks close to it….but, then spilled some just before boarding!! LOL! I love seeing her gazing out the window to see the sunrise, trying to get comfy in these seats, ..having a snack break in the back of the plane with her while stretching legs and admiring babies…We kept ourselved busy watching our in-seat entertainment and had about 5 different movie choices or CSI miami. I think Isabella watched toy story. Brian and I watched nat’l lampoons Christmas vacation! (love that movie). It was so funny to look around and see certain people laughing all at the same parts with headphones in. Isabella and I have occupied ourselves well with our Kindles too…thank God for them! (isabella says: thank you Nana and pop pop!!!). We’ve also slept a lot, on and off. It hasn’t been a good sleep…more like a dozing for myself. Every time, I close my eyes my head gets flooded with prayers, for our kids at home, prayers for our union with Tahlia, pure excitement as I try to imagine what it will be like when they place her in our arms. Or, maybe she will walk to us, holding her nanny’s hand?? What will she be wearing? Will she cry? How will her skin feel? I bet its soft….just like her fuzzy hair….Ahhhhhhh!!! We are so close to her!!! My heart beats fast just imaging how close we are!!
Back to Isabella, can I just say how thankful I am to have her with us on this adventure and sharing in the excitement with her…as we get her baby sister! And, She has been an amazing “flyer” not one complaint…just pure excitement!
We have had lots of neat conversations with many people on the plane, and we were asked by a young college-aged girl why we were coming to China, and I told her that we are coming to adopt our daughter! She asked more questions with positive interest and then proceeded to tell us how “lucky” our little girl is! But, I told her that “WE” were the ones who were so blessed and “lucky”. What a gift we feel it is to get to be called Xiu Xiu’s family!!!
Just four more days!! In the mean while stay tuned for some China adventures!!!

0 thoughts on “WE MADE IT!!! ON CHINA SOIL!!!

  1. Oh what a treat to get a post from China! I love all the “thumbs up”'s in all the pictures!!! Praying that everything continues to go smoothly!

  2. I am so excited for you guys and how awesome that Isabella gets to experiance it all with you! I am praying for sweet peace for Tahlia as she meets her family!Three more night and she will be in your arms!Praying for all of you,Ginger

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