"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

We’re back!!!

I will post pictures later….but, here are a few snapshots of our dolphin adventure. What amazing creatures they are! Their skin feels like a wet inner tube and they are so friendly, like little puppies! I wanted to take one home…lol!

….and boy, is it cold here! We were completely spoiled with 85 degree weather, clear and turquoise waters and being served every meal in luxury, oh and I can’t forget the best part: having someone clean your room twice a day!…ahhhhhh…….

It was so much fun to just get away. We had a blast with our best friends Chris and Julie, and have probably not laughed that much in a long time!

More details to come later….. Now, I need to get back to “real life.”

But, I can’t forget to thank our SUPER- WONDERFUL- AMAZING -GRACIOUS- LOVING AND AWESOME Parents who teamed up to keep our kiddos and animals safe and happy while we were gone. I am happy to report that the grandparents are still alive, well and sane…lol! They did great, and so did the kids. We thank God for everything going smoothly as well, and he certainly had his hand over this vacation and blessed us immensely!

0 thoughts on “We’re back!!!

  1. OH girl, what a GREAT trip. happy Happy Happy Anniversary. I bet you feel so refreshed. Hoping you just enjoyed every moment of couple time you got!*PS Alice at church the other day. It was fun to catch up for a moment…her son, Nicholas was in my SS class. Fun memories 🙂Have a great one – can’t wait to see more shots.

  2. Awesome pictures! I love the one with Brian getting some dolphin love. Can’t wait to see more from your trip. Glad the kiddos did well too. Welcome home!

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