The closer I get to Jesus,and read His word and get to know His heart…..the more I allow my heart to break for what breaks His.
So,then comes a sobering realization.
I am at a crossroads in my life.
a crisis of faith where I now need to ask myself the hard hard questions.
What if we really and  TRULY  lived what we sang in church….?
what if we walked what we talked in Christian circles….?
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what if we obeyed what we read in His Word….?
what if we, when told “follow me”,….didn’t turn back. Just followed no matter the cost…?
what if we denied ourselves….?
what if we took the blinders off…?
what if we realized this life is not about us….?
what if we let the pain and  brokenness  of “the least of these” change us….affect us….hurt us…?
what if we stopped leaving the problems up to “other people”….?
What if we let our lives be “interrupted”….?
what if we said, “I can do something, send me!”….?
what if we slayed the idols of “comfort”…?
what if we stopped letting fear rule us….?
What if we allowed compassion, empathy, and love to rule us…and move us to action?
what if we stopped waiting for someone else to do it, and we realized that it is up to us to do something….?
what if we allowed God’s WORD to really change us radically…?
Excellent post. Wrestling with all of this myself.