“But as for me, I will always have HOPE!”
🌷 (Psalm 71:4)
We use the word “HOPE” a lot, right?
But, “this” HOPE….
It is a different kind of hope.
This hope is not an earthly hope that wishes or even prays for something to happen, knowing that it “may not” happen or God may say “no.”
I know this kind of hope too, this is the hope we clung to as I draped over our daughter while she fought for breath and life. We hoped and believed with a tenacity that would NOT let go of what we knew my God could do.
I will always pray with Hope in what God can do. ALWAYS.

I know no other way then to pray with child-like faith.
This hope is a familiar friend…. an ache that burns in my heart, especially when I pray for rescue from some earthly situation for me or my friends.
When I pray with intensity, knowing how God is able.
When I pray for healing and earthly miracles.
When I storm heaven’s gates with faith in the impossible mountain to move.
When I pray for Red Sea Roads.
This Hope is necessary.
But it is not sure.
This Hope can break right before your very eyes, leave you breathless, gasping for oxygen on the floor while your voice lets out sounds your ears have never even heard before…
Because none of us are promised another day in this temporary life.
None of us are promised a life without suffering or pain.
Not one of us are promised comfort or earthly healing.
And, that is so hard.

I know what it feels like to be sucker punched by this kind of disappointment in my hope.
To raise my fists in the air wailing “WHY!!???” as I had to listen to the team of doctors and nurses shake their heads at us and tell us that there was “nothing they could do for her.”
There are no adequate words in the human language to describe this utter anguish and deep agonizing torture of hearing your medical team say, “there is no more hope!”
“No!!!…. HOPE is all we KNOW!!!!!
“NO…NO… there has to be more HOPE!”
It is hard to recover. SO very hard to get your breath.
It is excruciatingly hard to keep living forward with this pain.
It is in this deep painful disappointment that a truer and most SURE HOPE becomes birthed in a broken heart.
Just as birth pains are laborious and make you feel as if you are dying.
This incredible, indescribable pain is producing something holy and sacred that tethers us to a supernatural anchoring arm.
A bold HOPE that becomes a lifeline when the lights go out and the world breaks around you.Â
A hope that holds tight when you can’t hold on another minute.
A hope that breathes Oxygen into a broken story.
Because this broken world can never steal our SURE HOPE.
We have THIS LIVING HOPE that God gives us….
A sure promise tucked in the gift of eternity that speaks of a day when All will be made NEW.

A HOPE that declares He will never leave us or forsake us.
A HOPE that sings of God’s love and faithfulness.
A HOPE that conquered even death.
A HOPE that binds and never breaks.
A rebellious Hope that says, “The story is not done.”
We have THIS HOPE.
A Know-so Hope that saves us everyday.
His name is “Jesus.”
“But as for me, I will always have HOPE!”
🌷 (Psalm 71:4)

You can find the high resolution downloadable print of this one and many others at:Â to help Fund the Gia Live Grow Forever Foundation and bring Hope to others!