Sometimes when I walk around outside in my Gia’s Victory Garden in the middle of dark winter all I see is death, dross and what looks like the beautiful color has been stolen away.
It is depressing, really, and a landscape of brokenness that often mirrors my heart walking earth without my bouncing, beautiful and silly 6 year old baby girl.
But, then I try to remember the work that is happening deep underground in the dark soil of earth where no eye can see. There is this process of breaking and crushing of the precious hidden seeds of life that is preparing a coming harvest of wild spring blooms that will rise up and commence the coming Spring season.

I just love Spring and I believe the truths here of 2 Corinthians are one of the most powerful treasures of the bible that our grieving and weary hearts can cling to when life feels like an eternal winter.
See, there is a Spring promise hidden deep in these verses that helps our hearts to just hold on in the dark seasons of life….

Our most challenging and heartbreaking difficulties and sorrows in this temporary life are light and short-lived ONLY WHEN COMPARED to the incredibly, heavy-weighted glory that will be permanent and forever in eternity. Of course, It absolutely does not take the pain and feeling of hard away from the crushing circumstances of “now,” but this promise brings HOPE for the future that something precious is being birthed from all the pain.
Because, there is this wildflower harvest of glory that He is preparing for us that is SO FAR beyond anything we could every comprehend or imagine!
Hold on, friends… HOLD ON to what you can NOT see: all these promises that take faith to believe while walking in the dark….
And hold loosely to what you Can see: The winter dross and broken landscape in front of you… Because
He is NOT done.
He is always working in the hidden and holy dark places to bring a wild and rising-up beauty from all that is crushing our hearts.

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal…” (2 Cor. 4:16-18)
🌷You can get a high resolution printable of this (without watermark) and all my Scripture wall art at this link to support our mission of HOPE.