On this sacred day of 4/22/23… 5 years after suffering the deepest loss, I hold a tangible beauty from ashes.
You see, God has birthed this mission from the seed of great pain and watered it with the power of His HOPE.
He laid it on my heart as a calling to create a tool to minister to families who also walk through seasons of tragedy, disappointment, grief, trauma or loss.
This special story is based on the allegory of our garden.
He told me to write the vision.
He told me to write it and run with it.
He called me when I was broken and weeping on that dirt floor of my garden.
He called me from the middle of my messy pain, not from a place of healed and whole.
Because that’s what God does.
He takes the broken and He makes beauty as only He can. He never wastes our pain.
He is our redeemer.
Today, on this aching and tender heaven anniversary, the song that Jesus wrote on my heart flies out into the world and I pray it multiplies into more hope and healing for everyone who reads it.
It is all HIS and I have laid it on the altar of God’s heart to do what He wants with it.
I am so grateful to my dear friends Sara and her husband Michael (see their instagram: @bryartonfarm) who held this mission with me, believed in it and helped me to bring it to life with their love and talents.
My prayer is that This book will be a valuable resource for families who are trying to navigate the mess of Grieving with HOPE.
My prayer is that this book helps fund the mission of hope at Giashope.org
My prayer is that this book helps put into understandable images & powerful metaphors what it means to hold on to our God of HOPE and to each other while also giving space for pain and sorrow.
Part of our mission at at Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation (GIAShope.org) is to minister to the most broken.
Our dream is to get this project translated into many languages and into the hands of hurting families who grieve all over the world. In fact, the Ukrainian translation is almost ready!
Friends, REJOICE with us for what He is doing and please go buy two more copies and help spread this song of Hope into the broken world.
The Lord has grown Giashope.org with the power of your love and prayer.
What was once just a seed from the legacy of Gianna’s life has grown into a wildflower garden of beauty upon beauty!

He is making All things NEW!
Will you help us honor our Gianna’s brave life and legacy by ordering a book of two or three and gifting them out into the world?
Will you also consider making a donation to Giashope.org so we can continue to spread love, light and hope through our initiatives to the lost, orphaned, broken and grieving?
You can donate at this link: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=YSWB8EJUJVX7N
🦋 You can order Hope’s Garden Song on Amazon!
Click here: https://www.amazon.com/Hopes-Garden-Song-Johanna-Cannelongo/dp/1662918925