Adoption has radically changed our lives and family in the most beautiful and broken of ways.
These photos take us down memory lane of the ways God broke our hearts to love bigger, grow larger and simultaneously blew up our own ideas of what we initially thought our family would look like. He kept breaking our hearts so we could experience more of His heart.
He gave us something so much more wonderful and more incredible than our minds could have ever planned or conceived … and it’s all. His. Grace.
#worldadoptionday and #AdoptionawarenessMonth are set apart for honoring this blessing and miracle, but there’s no way to fully celebrate the joy without giving space to honor the truth that, while adoption is miraculous, it is birthed from great loss and enormous pain too. It is a messy simultaneous journey of both overwhelming heartbreak and overflowing Hope.
I wouldn’t be fully honoring my children or our great God if I did not look at this day through their eyes and perspectives too.
I’m so thankful that our loving God invited us into these precious soul’s stories to walk with them in this broken way, to carry their hearts and have the gift of holding both their sorrows and their joys with them….
To be forever theirs, to forever love them, to be loved by them, to fight for them, celebrate with them and grieve with them too.
This is the messy and amazing miracle not ever lost on me or my family. To get to see more of God’s heart up close through their precious hearts and to witness how only He can redeem something so broken into something so very beautiful….
That is a sacred gift that keeps humbling my heart with every kiss and hug and giggle and tear that we get to experience together.
It’s all so much more than we ever imagined!
I’m so thankful we didn’t miss the broken path, or these miracles of more…. we truly are the most blessed to be theirs forever and to watch God move all the mountains!
Adoption is His heart!
You can hear more of our family’s story at this podcast link, and interview with Davey Blackburn of Nothing is Wasted Ministries
#wecouldhavemissedthis #livegiagrowforever #tenNOTnine #shesforevercarried #ThisisGodsHeart