"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Youth Basketball Kick-off! (it’s a family affair!)

Another Winter Sports season is upon us!

Youth Basketball!

Hours of my hubby’s hard work in planning teams, finding coaches, preparing concessions, and forming teams and schedules comes to fruition.

He does an amazing job. He has a strong passion and gift for Sports Ministry.

He desires to see families come through the doors of the church through sports and recreation.

But most importantly, his desire is that each family feels at home, loved and accepted.

…and that these dear families, who entrust their children to our care, would see Christ in us and want to know more about Him, the one who offers hope and salvation.

That’s why we’re here doing this.

  It’s about spreading God’s Love through Sports outreach.

Playing sports is not what it’s about, really.

It’s secondary….it’s simply the vehicle by which we hope to reach those who need to hear and experience Christ.

It’s our hope that they find a second home with us, a second family.

It’s the relationships that are formed on and off court which is the real reason why we do this.

It’s the prayer time and devotionals that the children hear each week, learning about the Love of their Father in Heaven and learning how to respect and love their teammates on and off the field and court while growing in their ability to play that specific sport.

devotional time

We want to provide a safe place for each child to grow and learn their beloved sport. To learn without ridicule, harsh criticism or discouragement.

Helaina is ready for the rebound!

It’s a family run ministry.

 Both the church family and our personal family help to make it happen. Without whom it would NOT be possible!

We are so grateful for the awesome dads and moms who volunteer their time, gifts  and hours to coach and instruct these precious kids!

Pop-pop handing out Jerseys

…I am also so grateful for how our kids step up to help daddy run this ministry.

the girls selling the goodies!

Michaela and Isabella running concessions
Ethan runs scoreboard, and he does such a great job!

We are excited to see what blessings this new season holds….

Ashy taking the ball up-court!

Ethan is ready to take a shot!

Over here!!

and he shoots!

never without entertainment! Again, thankful for parent volunteers! 🙂

Go Ashy go!!!

Tahlia perfecting her form!

go Helaina! Arms up!

Ashy is ready!

We are so thankful to be a part of God’s work in reaching families through sports! And, we pray to be able to serve these families well, and to show them something more besides sports instruction.

That they would see and feel something different about this league…

Something that points them to the love of Christ!

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