It’s February.
A month to honor all the brave ones who live with broken hearts.
There are So many heart-warriors who we love and pray for daily.
I am eternally grateful that the Lord blessed our family with the indescribable gift to be the forever family to the bravest of all heart heroes…. Our Gianna Lilyfaith,
Being her forever parents and having fought the earthly fight for her life has been our greatest honor.

Oh how we miss that earthly “fight” for her heart beats.
We miss ALL of it. All of HER.
We miss the daily meds.
We miss the long hospital stays.
We miss the weekly INR checks.

We miss the “heart box” (she would call her pacemaker) that protruded from her belly that kept her alive. We miss monthly echos…. I miss holding her and squeezing her hand as we waited for the sonographer to do all their analysis and photo taking. I miss the sweaty palms and silly ipad distractions as we waited for the doctor to come in and give us the latest prognosis. Each appointment, we held on with white-knuckle fists for another victory.
“….Each day we knew was a gift.
a gift Not ever taken for granted.
You know what we miss….(besides everything)
…We miss all her giggles as we traced that beautiful, deep heart- scar that ran down her chest and told her story of “BRAVE” as she fought through 6 open heart surgeries over her 6 too short years.
“It’s my brave-scar, mama!!!… cause I sooooo strong and soooo brave!” She would proudly declare!💪
“Yes, my baby-girl! You are the bravest of them all and your God is mighty to save. He is healing you, GiaBia!!!” I would excitedly respond while throwing my hands up the air👐!
This conversation would happen often and always be filled with cheering, dancing and praising Him right from the bathtub, kitchen, car….wherever we were!
Not one day would go by that was ever left “un-praised!”
Each day we knew was a glorious gift.
Not ever taken for granted.

It sure is easier to praise and trust God’s goodness when you are walking in earthly victory in what is right in front of you. Wow, that is a beautiful gift of such mercy. To SEE miracles on earth! I am so thankful for all the miracles God gave us in her life.
But, I have learned what it means to give sacrificial praise and worship in the past 2.5 years, when the story did not go as we wanted.
This kind of worship is sacred… this is the hardest kind of worship….
It is the unrefined, wet with tears, raw and messy (yet so received) crying-out-offering on the altar to our King of Kings who won the victory over death.
It is the deepest SURRENDER.
It is so much harder to trust and believe in God’s goodness when you are walking by faith in what you can not see….crawling through the valley of shadows.
This is the crisis of faith when you believe for a story of redemption that you can not yet see.
THIS is where faith is built from all the broken pieces.
Because HE is there…. Near the most broken hearted.
and He never lets us go.
And, I ache for eternity. I SO ACHE for the greatest miracle to come.
But, I miss her earthly miracles. I selfishly miss the “easy to see” faith.
Above all, we miss holding her close and hearing her heart beat the song of miraculous life and fight.
But, we know Truth….
We know her heart beats continue to sing and be our song of life and love and miracles, even from heaven. Her life is a testimony to the greatness of our Mighty God.
She forever shows us how to trust God, love dangerously and never let fear win.
She teaches us that Love and HOPE are always ALWAYS worth the risk.

We know we will embrace her in heaven even though we are now the ones who wait on earth with a broken heart.
A massive enormous hole in our hearts.

However our GiaBia teaches us how to fight forward, even when you’re all broken and busted up.
After all, a broken heart never stopped my little girl from living LIFE beautifully and boldly and with such brave sparkle and purpose on Earth!

She had joy and so will we.
We watched God use “broken” and do great and beautiful things like only He can do.
Our Gianna Lilyfaith, our blessed gift from our Good and mighty God.
Our forever gift so undeserved.
Sending so many squishy kisses to you, our baby girl, until we embrace again our sweet, beautiful, fierce daughter and sissy
You forever reflect His Living HOPE and Your brave life will grow us forever and ever.❤️😢

We will always remember and honor you, our warrior and your brave fight as we carry you and your brave heartbeats in our hearts Forever and ever…. straight into eternity where we will embrace again!
You, my love, change US forever and we will keep fighting for hope for you.
Your story is not done.
Your miracles of life go on forever.
What an honor to steward your story of HOPE.
We just miss you and love you so much.
One Day, All things NEW.
Because Jesus. He saves.
Do you know Him?…. He is the HOPE that never breaks. when everything else around you is smashed to smithereens.
He is alive. HE IS HOPE.

**Please take a moment to visit our Foundation page on Facebook and Instagram and THIS POST here to read about Gianna’s story, our Non-profit Foundation and her miracles that continue to grow hope for those who need it most. Come read about how you can come along for the wild ride and be a part of the grand story of Light and Love!

1 John 10:10

#livegiagrowforever #chdawareness