*Applications submissions link has now been closed, We had such a high interest and so many applications that we needed to close a couple days early. We are so grateful for all who have applied and wish we could help everyone! Please know each of you are prayed for and we are trusting God to lead us to who He wants the grants to go to. We are just a vehicle and we believe He can multiply the fish and loaves!
*If you would like to donate to help fund a grant, click here! THANK YOU!
It’s been a hard year, hasn’t it. I think we all feel a bit beat up from the state of this world. It seems wherever you look, there is a collective sense of brokenness and weariness. I also know that we serve a God who can take the most broken stories and turn them into beautiful masterpieces. We know this because we are living this truth… “beauty amidst brokenness.”
I am so thankful that our HOPE is not in the things of this world but in a redeeming God who has overcome this world.
Our faithful God continues to remind us of the promise of HOPE. Hope is an amazing thing, isn’t it? Hope is the most important ingredient to our Faith.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
Hope says, there is more.
Hope keeps us fighting forward when there is no strength left.
Hope tells us the story is not done….. when we feel like we are living in the worst chapters of our Life.
HOPE is a rescue to the weary and downcast.
Hope is the seed for making living possible in the midst of the “impossible.”
Hope says, “This is not the end of the Story.”
Hope says “there is an author who is not done revealing the story of His goodness and glory.”
Hope says, in the midst of death…. to “wait and keep fighting for LIFE.”
Hope is possible because our Redeemer Lives and promises us eternal LIFE.
Hope says, (as my favorite Spiritual book mentor and author once so beautifully wrote):
“Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends with ‘ashes.” ― Elisabeth Elliot,

The Live Gia Grow Forever Founadation was birthed from the seed of HOPE… from the truth that says, there is more to this story. More miracles. More goodness…. even amidst the ashes, there is LIFE rising up.
More beauty and MORE LIFE. Life abundantly.
Because, when Jesus is your Savior, Death is never the end of the story.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)
Our Gianna forever teaches us to always fight for HOPE and LIFE. We know she is alive with Jesus and as we await the glorious day until we reunite again, we will keep her legacy and light alive and growing through our Foundation.
We are humbled to be stewarding the vehicle of God’s miracles of LIFE, even within our deep grief. He never wastes anything, especially not our tears. He can use what is so broken to grow something so beautiful and we are the witnesses of this miracle.

Please read this post here to learn more about the first seed of this vision and how it was initially birthed from the deepest pain of our lives which then grew into a new harvest of miracles in 2020! This is ALL GOD’s GRACE!
The vision of LGGFF is a 3 part global initiative to plant God’s seed of love, grow abundant Life and bloom hope through the three branches of orphan care, orphan prevention and adoption aid.
God blessed our ministry immensely this past year of 2020 by allowing us the humbling privilege to:
- Partner with and be a vehicle of financial support to a very special foster home in China, Lily’s House (run by our Gianna’s China foster mom). Lily’s House cares for special needs orphans by providing a safe, warm, nurturing and loving home with a family like atmosphere so orphans can feel bonded and secure while waiting for their forever families.
- Furthermore, because of the loving generosity of supporters, we also had the humbling blessing to provide adoption grants to 9 waiting families! What a complete joy to come along these families in their sacred journeys to their waiting children. If you could please say a prayer for each of them as you’re reading this because most of them are still waiting to travel and have had their process delayed because of Covid. It has been a hard season and we are praying God opens the borders for these children to come home!
- Finally, As part of our newly developed third branch, we have been able to help support various orphan- prevention care ministries that serve vulnerable children and families through medical care and education to impoverished communities. One of these is a ministry that is very close to our heart as we have been able to visit, serve and partner with @Unity4orphans in Nicaragua as a family before our Gianna went to heaven!
We are so thankful to see God continuing to write a story of Hope through our beautiful Gianna’s life! We just know God’s stories never end in ashes and we are witnesses of this promise! We desperately miss her but know her life continues to grow more life.
And as 2021 approaches, we keep fighting forward with the banner of HIS Promises hanging over us as we believe for more miracles. With the gift of our Giving Tuesday miracles, we were able to raise over $4000! What a HUGE HUGE HUGE blessing!
It is our hope to continue to raise money as we watch God grow our three branches to multiply into more fruit of HOPE for others.
It is our goal to be, once again, partnering with various Orphan Prevention Ministries this year to prayerfully and financially come alongside them in their fight to preserve families and protect vulnerable children. It is also our greatest desire to continue to help support and grow LilysFoundation.org. Lily’s House is near and dear to our hearts and a HUGE part of our Gianna’s story and a place of LOVE and LIGHT for those who need it most.
Also…. the most exciting part of our Foundation is the JOY to help others bring home their waiting children! I pray we can be an encouragement to one or MORE families who are walking this long adoption journey road of faith and trust… especially this year. We are heavy hearted, and feel a deep ache for those who are experiencing the frustration of all the COVID-19 adoption roadblocks, complications, unpredictabilities and financial burdens as they step out to follow God’s calling in their life to adopt.
We know God’s not done and we stand with all the waiting families in HOPE. So, we are so excited to share that we will have the honor to be awarding a grant to one or more International Adopting families (of children with Special Needs) on our Gianna’s Birthday (JANUARY 10th)!
So if you want to apply or know someone who wants to apply, the application will be open for only the next few days!
Here is the LINK TO APPLY! HURRY! *Submissions are now closed. Thank you.
Also, if you are interested in coming alongside our Foundation to help us steward more stories of God’s miracles and help us plant more seeds of LIFE, you can donate here! All donations are tax deductible.
You can also scan this QR to donate. THANK YOU for coming alongside us in this journey of Love and Light!

Most of all, will you pray with us for more miracles and opportunities to be a light in the year of 2021!
We know God is not DONE!
Again, Click here: