Sharing a beautiful post that my husband Brian Cannelongo wrote about our upcoming family missions trip to Nicaragua! Thank you for reading.
We leave Monday!
Please pray with us for God to be glorified and love and light to go forth… and for us all to pass all the health tests!
I am so thankful for my husband and his courage and passion and huge heart to lead us back to the land we love so much to serve together in honor of our missed and so loved Gianna Lilyfaith!
Here’s Brian’s words:
“I am excited just watching what God is doing with this missions trip my family is about to go on to Nicaragua.
I was so hesitant to go because of the headaches/restrictions involved with covid which added more costs and more logistics to navigate which there were already many to handle traveling with a large family. BUT! I am excited because I have seen God move in so many ways already. We have been praying for a long term vision for Nicaragua for some time now and the fact that the past trips I’ve led have opened my eyes and the eyes of many in my family for missions, and this propelled me forward. I am excited to bring 3 young adults that have never been on a missions trip and see what God does in their lives.

We wanted to be a blessing and not a burden while we are there so I asked a few missionaries that are there and who we will be working alongside what can we do and how can we be a blessing. The overwhelming response besides helping with food because so many are without jobs, is bedding materials. So many sleep on the ground or on cardboard, or even best case an old mattress on the dirt.
Because of many of you, and the support of our church, we have raised money so far for 25 bunk beds in the Brasiles community where we will partner with a Christian school called Club Brasiles. That will allow 50 kids to have a bed to sleep on. The local pastor and us are so excited to deliver and build these beds and meet and pray over these families. We also raised money for feedings days along with enough money to provide more beds/pillows/mattresses for another community which sits right outside the city dump. We will partner with Club Esperanza which is a Christian school serving this community. I visited this school 11 years ago when it was actually in the city dump. Open Hearts Nicaragua runs these schools and we are excited to partner with them.
We will be visiting a girls and boys rescue home and have raised a small amount to be able to bless them with some needs that we are awaiting to hear from their directors
Something that is very near and dear to our hearts is a special needs ministry called Tesoros de Dios (God’s treasures). This is such a special ministry to our family and we can’t wait to visit and partner with them. They service 130 kids with special needs and there is a waiting list of over 100 kids. Our hope is to bring some playdough and buy some paint and help fix up the place since there hasn’t been any teams visiting in a few years. We also just were informed that there is a mom struggling with grief of recently losing her 8 year old daughter that was in the program for 6 years and we have been asked to meet with her to share our story of our beautiful Gianna and be a safe place for her to share about her precious child. A deep and sacred honor not lost on us.
We will also be visiting an ESL program I helped start with Unity 4 Orphans 4 years ago in a remote village (Miramar) about an hour from the city. It is thriving and we raised money to be able to feed over 50 kids and buy them candy while we help teach the ESL classes and play games with them. Lastly, we are blessed to be able to stay with some long term missionaries (The Buzbee family) who deeply respect and we are so thankful to be able to get quality time with and to hear their stories and learn from them. We would love to raise some money for a love offering for them as they have been faithfully serving in Nica for over 20 years
Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support, for those who would love to come along side us at Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation and help us grow more love and hope, Here are some practical ways to give! We are so grateful and can’t do this without the help of the body of Christ!

***Below is the paypal link to help with any of the following needs
$125..Bunk Bed
$40 mattress
$10 Pillows and/or sheets
$10 Playdough, paint, and bubbles for Tesoros De Dios
Any size gift to help bless the girls and boys rescue homes, Gods’ treasures, Miramar community and the long term missionaries. Donate HERE as any amount is a huge help!
Thank you for any support you can give and most importantly your prayers as we at Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation go forward in faith and love.
HERE is a link to our non profit for a tax deductible donation here PAYPAL LINK HERE

ALSO, don’t forget that Our highly popular Out of the Darkness and INTO the Light Tshirt store will be open for the duration of our Nica trip so DO NOT MISS OUT! CLICK HERE for shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies for adults and kids!
Thank you for partnering with us in this journey of HOPE, LOVE and LIGHT! And most importantly, thank you for praying for us, as we are SO dependent on the Lord’s strength, power and provision every step of the way!