"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

There is More.

Sometimes God shows you a wild peek at a bigger story and it takes your breath away.
“There’s more,” He whispers.

A glimpse at a story you never would have Believed or written yourself, but just a peek beyond the veil that makes you feel more nervous but more alive than ever. It’s super scary but you know it’s untethered from this earth and it is deeply anchored to eternity. Even just a glimpse can grab your heart in a fierce way because our hearts were not made for this temporary earth … they were designed for another world.
But we have a choice.
Do we numb ourselves to that crazy deep, grace-filled stirring and go about tending to our perfectly controlled and manicured lives…or do we let God be our gardener and hand over our hearts completely and wholly to do as He pleases?
Enlarge your tent.
Release. your. heart.
Because this spark…. this sacred spark could be ignited into a wildfire of light.
Or it could go out and be choked by this world.
Oh how tragic to see God’s invitations ignored because they’re just too crazy. Too wild.
Too nonsensical.
Or maybe… we “Let it burn!”
What if…
What if, instead of dismissing non-logical stirrings or fearful scenarios, we completely pivoted towards our Daddy in heaven and positioned our hearts to His voice and gave Him the posture to receive whatever that may be.
It will not always feel good.
Yes, It hurts to be wrecked and it is completely uncomfortable.
But Don’t miss the secret in the seeds that He’s planting in the new unfamiliar, fertile ground.
Just like this garden had to start with being surrendered, torn up, broken, ravaged and splayed open…. so is the work He is doing in our hearts when our hearts are surrendered and handed over to Him.

It’s NOT for nothing.

The wrecking is not for nothing.

See! He is doing a new thing!

We’re yielding our souls to His story…. letting go of what we thought the story would be.
Enlarging our boundaries, and becoming broken ground ready for the gardener to plant.
Knowing and believing the story is NOT done.

This is not a garden that can be manipulated or controlled, not if you want to see God’s goodness and miracles abound in a supernatural way!

… No… This holy Glimpse is a peek at a harvest of wild flower explosion of love and life that only the great Gardener could bloom with our HOLY and aching surrender.
A miracle -harvest birthed from great pain, but a catalyst to great eternal gain.
There is beauty rising up if we bravely stay wide open to hear his still small voice and if we courageously receive His wild vision while walking the seen desert floors.

There is more.

There is more when we choose to give Him our everything.
Give him your desert floors… enlarge your boundaries and watch Him grow life from death. He is the Redeemer!

He is not done.
Open your heart to receive The new seed.
Watch what He will grow with your trembling and trusted “yes.”

“The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower”
Isaiah 35:1 🌻🦋

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Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo